Archive for April 2nd, 2011

Presentations in California

Later this April I will be conducting 3 presentations at REI stores in California as follows:

  • Tue, Apr-19: Santa Monica
  • Wed, Apr-20: San Francisco
  • Thu, Apr-21: MountainView
  • Presentations will be from 7-8pm, followed by some Q&A.

    The presentations are advertised on the REI websites as follows:

    In May 2009, independent traveler Thomas Laussermair set off on an adventure of a lifetime-to pedal the length of the Panamerican Highway (Alaska to Patagonia) and climb the highest mountain of every country along the way. Tonight, Thomas will give a digital presentation of some of the most exhilarating segments of his 14-month journey. Join Thomas as he ropes up for glacier travel on Canada’s wild and remote Mount Logan (19,551 feet), braves the high heat of Baja California, cycles across the stunning Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, and makes an unguided climb of Argentina’s Aconcagua (22,841 feet). Thomas will show you what it takes to plan an adventure of this magnitude, and discuss what he learned along the way. For more information, visit

    For directions to the stores and to reserve your seat, please go to

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

    May 1st, update: The 3 presentations went well and the content was very well received. Polly Bolling, Bay Area REI Outreach Specialist and Event Coordinator had this to say after the presentations: (highlights added)

    Hi Thomas:

    My belated thanks for all you did to put on a fantastic show at each of our stores! Will and Martin were wowed by your program. The customer evals from SF are exceptional. I’m still waiting for those from Mountain View, and have no doubt they are similar. … “very informational and inspiring???, “fascinating stories, lively presentation???, and “stunning adventure!??? are a few of the many superlatives. …

    I wish I could have seen your show, and hope we can interest you in coming again when your book is out. I’d love to schedule you in Berkeley, Saratoga and one of our other Bay Area stores.



    Add comment April 2nd, 2011


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