Archive for January, 2012

New Year – New Look – New Book

Happy New Year 2012!

Time has come for a new look here at the Panamerican Peaks project.
Here is a list of the improvements to the site design:

  • Cleaner look with the modern ‘Twenty Ten’ theme
  • Easier navigation with the top-level menu
  • Aggregated various media in one menu and subset of pages
  • Included links to various peripheral sites in Page footer
  • Revolving set of photos in animated header

    Even more importantly, though, the work on my new book is making good progress. As you can see from the book page, there are now several chapters ready for review and proof-reading. I intend to use this set of pages to facilitate the proofing and review process.

    Introduction Wind Rain Hills Cold Heat Fire Ice Coast RedWoods Pampa Tropics Salt Thin Air Volcano Epilogue
    Book Chapters

    Chapters of the Book

    Click on any of the icons or select the subpages from the Book menu.

    Happy Browsing and Enjoy Reading!

    2 comments January 17th, 2012


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