Panamerican Peaks book now on sale in 50 countries
November 1st, 2012
Apple recently announced some upgrades to its authoring and reader apps and expanded the reach of its iBookstore to 18 new countries, most of them in Central and South America. This means that whereas up to now the book was only for sale in two of the countries I visited (Canada, US), it is now available in all of them!
Apple sold 100 million iPads in just 2.5 years. (It took them 4 years to sell that many iPhones.) Together with the new iPad mini, the new 4th generation iPad and the discounted older generation iPads this certainly broadens the target audience. And the new iPad mini will have the exact same resolution as the iPad 2 (1024 * 768 pixels), so the reading experience for the book will be identical in both portrait and landscape orientations.
I also decided to do an introductory promotion: Throughout the month of November the price will be discounted to just $2.99 (from $9.99). In European countries that’s just €1.99 and in the UK £1.99.
I am also working on translating the book to German. This coming January (Jan-19) I will give a presentation in Salzburg, Austria. By that time I want to have a German version of the book available for the roughly 100 million German-speaking people in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Lastly, I am looking to translate the book to Spanish and possibly Portuguese. Most of the Panamerican countries are Spanish-speaking, so being able to offer them the story in their native language would make a big difference. If you know of anyone who has experience in this kind of translation, please comment below or send me an email in the Contact section.
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